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Private House, Tabasalu

Location: Tabasalu
Status: Built
Year: 2002 - 2003

The building constructed on the limestone cliff overlooks the road approaching the cliff, the new residential areas and the sea and islands further in the distance. Across the peninsula, the views also afford ships leaving the harbour, the silhouette of the city and the wide expanses of plains and forests. The barn on the plot was estimated to be about 100 years old with the forebears of the present owners as its first tenants. The new building on the old foundations has an exterior of impregnated timber. The more private rooms of the house are located compactly on the second floor with a regular and even height. The open living area extends over three floors starting from the entrance on the ground floor all the way up to the roof terrace door and varies in height thus dividing the space into areas of various functions and characteristics. The fitted cupboards, shelves, work surfaces, counters and the fireplace create a separate layer in the interior with a specific depth, density and transparency depending on the needs.

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